
Veterinary is a popular career option in Australia. Studying a Veterinary Science program will allow students to learn about different animal species, including companion animals and wildlife. Australia is famous for caring for its native fauna, and most families have one or more pets. Therefore, there are many work opportunities in this field. 

Working as a veterinarian will bring you a good income. According to the website Indeed, the salary of a veterinarian can go up to AU$138,907 per year. Thus, for students who are passionate about animals and would like to pursue a career based on their care, studying Veterinary Science might be a good option. 

Why study Veterinary Science in Australia?

  • High-Ranking Universities 

According to QS and TIMES, there are currently seven universities in Australia that are ranked in the Top 100 in the world. Many of these universities provided courses in the field of Veterinary Science and can offer students the best teaching resources and learning environments. For example, the University of Sydney is ranked 16th in the world as one of the best Veterinary schools.  

  • Internationally Recognised Qualifications 

Another advantage of studying Veterinary Science in Australia is that the qualification you gain may be recognised globally. For instance, the University of Queensland has been accredited not only by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC), but also by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA COE). 

  • Multiple Start Dates 

For students who are stressed about submitting their applications to universities, there are usually 2-3 intakes offered every year, which gives students more flexibility when they are preparing for their university applications. This will allow students to submit their applications when they feel ready without having to worry about the time pressure of an application closing date.   

  • Post-Study Work Visa 

After completing one or more eligible degrees with a minimum 2 years of study in Australia, students will be given the chance to apply for a Temporary Graduate Visa in the Post-study Work Stream. This visa allows students to gain work experience in Australia and to prepare themselves for their future migration options.  

What are the career outcomes after studying veterinary science in Australia?

  • Veterinarian:  

A veterinarian, often referred to as a vet, is a licensed medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries in animals. Veterinarians play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of animals, from household pets to livestock, wildlife, and exotic species. 

  • Veterinary Technician 

Veterinary Technicians, also known as Veterinary Nurses in some regions, are vital members of the veterinary healthcare team. Their responsibilities include assisting veterinarians in the care and treatment of animals, ensuring the well-being of patients, and performing various technical tasks. 

  • Laboratory Technician 

Veterinary Laboratory Technician plays a critical role in the field of veterinary science by supporting laboratory operations related to animal health, diagnosis, research, and disease control. 

  • Veterinary Pathologist 

A Veterinary Pathologist is a specialised veterinarian who plays a crucial role in diagnosing diseases and disorders in animals through the examination of tissues, fluids, and other samples. They contribute significantly to animal healthcare, research, and public health. 

  • VET Quality Assurance Officer 

A Veterinary Quality Assurance Officer, often referred to as a VET Quality Assurance Officer or Veterinary QA Officer, is a professional who ensures that veterinary practices, facilities, and services meet established quality standards and regulatory requirements. These individuals play a crucial role in maintaining the quality of veterinary care, animal welfare, and compliance with industry regulations. 

  • Biosecurity Officer 

A Biosecurity Officer is a professional responsible for implementing and enforcing measures designed to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, pests, and contaminants that could harm the environment, agriculture, or public health. Biosecurity Officers play a critical role in safeguarding ecosystems, agricultural production, and human and animal health. 

  • Veterinary Clinical Nutrition Technician 

A Veterinary Clinical Nutrition Technician is a specialized professional in the field of veterinary medicine who focuses on providing nutrition-related care and guidance to animals under the supervision of a veterinarian. These technicians play a vital role in promoting animal health and well-being by addressing nutrition-related issues and providing dietary recommendations. 

  • Veterinary Pharmaceutical Representative 

A Veterinary Pharmaceutical Representative, also known as a Veterinary Sales Representative or Veterinary Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist, is a professional who works for pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies that produce and distribute veterinary drugs, vaccines, and other medical products for animals.  

Want to learn more about the career outcomes after studying veterinary science course in Australia? Contact us at [email protected] or 07 3003 1899! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.  


What veterinary science courses are available for international students in Australia?

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Technology 
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science 
  • Bachelor of Science (Veterinary) 
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 
  • Master of Veterinary Science 
  • Master of Tropical Veterinary Science 
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 

What are entry requirements to study Veterinary Science in Australia?

  • For the Bachelor’s course of Veterinary Science, normally applicants are required to have completed Year 12 or a Diploma course and attained IELTS 7.0. Many universities also require students to take the following Year 12 subjects: English, Mathematics, Chemistry and one of Physics or Biology.  
  • For the Master’s course, normally applicants are required to have completed a Bachelor’s degree and attained IELTS 7.0. Additionally, students are required to have a Bachelor’s degree relating to Veterinary Science.  

Not meet the entry requirements for a veterinary science course? Contact SOL Edu, one of the best education agencies in Brisbane, today! Our team will offer you free consultation and free application process.    


What majors might you study for your Veterinary Science degree in Australia?

  • Applied Animal Biology 

Applied Animal Biology is a multidisciplinary field of study that focuses on the practical application of biological principles and scientific research to address real-world issues related to animals, both domestic and wild. This field encompasses a wide range of topics and applications, including animal health, conservation, agriculture, and animal welfare. 

  • Applied Animal Physiology 

Applied Animal Physiology is a field of study that focuses on the practical application of physiological principles and research findings to address various issues related to the health, well-being, and performance of animals. It encompasses a wide range of topics and applications across different animal species, including humans, domestic animals, livestock, wildlife, and exotic species. 

  • Professional Studies for Veterinary Technology 

Professional Studies for Veterinary Technology refers to a specialised program or coursework designed to provide veterinary technicians with advanced knowledge and skills that go beyond the foundational education received in standard veterinary technology programs. These advanced studies are often pursued by experienced veterinary technicians who want to enhance their expertise, expand their career opportunities, or specialize in a particular aspect of veterinary medicine. 

  • Surgical Principles and Practices  

Surgical Principles and Practices is a specialised field within the field of veterinary medicine that focuses on the theory and practical application of surgical procedures performed on animals. This area of study is essential for veterinary surgeons and technicians who are involved in surgical interventions for a wide range of animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife. 

Not sure which courses you may choose? Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] or 07 3003 1899. Our team will offer you free consultations and free admission process!  

Where can you study veterinary science in Australia?

Bachelor’s Level 

 Master’s Level (Relevant Background Required) 

How to become a Veterinarian in Australia?

Step 1: Complete an accredited course 

To practise as a veterinarian in Australia, applicants are required to complete a degree in the field of Veterinary Science, accredited by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC). Below is the list of accredited courses available for international students:  

  • The University of Queensland: Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) 
  • James Cook University: Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) 
  • The University of Sydney: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine  
  • The University of Adelaide: Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) packed with Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.  
  • The University of Melbourne: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 
  • Murdoch University: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 

Step 2: Get registered  

Upon graduating, students need to register with the veterinarian board of the state(s) in which they wish to practise. 

Skills Assessment

The Skills Assessment will be assessed by Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) for the occupation “Veterinarian” (ANZSCO Code 234711). The applicant can apply for a Skills Assessment with AVBC if they: 

  • hold full registration (without conditions) with an Australian Veterinary Registration Board 
  • meet AVBC’s English Language Standards (minimum score of IELTS  7 in each of the four components or equivalent) 


What is the PR pathway for a Veterinarian in Australia?

Step 1: Apply for a 485 visa 

After completing a at least 2 years accredited veterinary course, you are eligible to apply for visa 485 (Post-Higher Education Work stream) . Under visa 485, you can stay in Australia for 2-5 years depending on your degree and nationality. However, if you undertook and completed at least  2 years of study in a ‘Regional Area’ such as the Gold Coast, Adelaide or Perth, you can be eligible for an additional 1 or 2 years of the 485 Visa Thus, you will have more time to prepare yourself for permanent residence (PR) or a temporary visa that can lead to a PR. 

Step 2: Apply for a PR or a visa that can lead to a PR 

There are plenty of pathways that can help you migrate to Australia after you become a registered veterinarian in Australia. Below are the common options:  

Skilled visas    

  • 189 – Skilled Independent (subclass 189) – is a points-tested visa, allowing you to live and work permanently in any state or territory in Australia. The minimum score that you are required to be considered for a visa invitation is 65, but you may need a higher score to increase your chance of getting an invite.   
  • 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) – is a permanent residence visa but you need a nomination from one of Australian states or territories to apply for this visa. Each state may have its own occupation list and additional requirements, so you must investigate if you meet all the state’s eligibility criteria before asking for a nomination.   
  • 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) is not permanent, but it can lead to a PR (visa 191). You must commit to stay and work in your nominating regional Australia for a minimal period of time and achieve at least 65 points to be apply for this visa.    

Employer Sponsored visas   

Contact SOL Edu today at [email protected] to know which visa option is best for you! 


What is the expected salary of a Veterinarian in Australia?

The medium base annual salary for an entry position veterinarian in Australia is AU$99,622 annually while the experienced veterinarian can earn up to 160,000 per year (Statistics from, 2023). 

Is there a high demand for veterinarians in Australia?

While there is a shortage of veterinarians, especially those specializing in equine and large animal care, the demand for veterinary services continues to rise. The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) reports that Australia is home to approximately 1 million horses, yet only 8% of the country’s 15,000 registered veterinarians are specialists in equine medicine. 

What qualifications do you need to be a vet in Australia?

The primary requirement to pursue a career as a veterinarian in Australia is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in veterinary science. Alternatively, you can pursue an undergraduate program in a related medical or science field, followed by a doctoral degree in veterinary science. 


How long does it take to become a vet in Australia?

It takes around 5 to 7 years of education and training to become a veterinarian in Australia, depending on the courses and university you are applying for.  

If you wish to study Bachelor of Veterinary Science, you may need to spend 5 years to complete this course and get registered as a veterinarian in Australia.  

If you take the package (Bachelor of Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, the total duration can be up to 7 years.  


How does it cost to study Veterinary Science in Australia for international students?

The tuition fee for a Veterinary Science course varies depending on the study levels and universities. For a G8 Australian university, you normally need to pay around 75,000 per year to study a Veterinary Science degree but for lower ranking universities, the tuition fees are cheaper, around 65,000 per year.  

Are there prerequisites for veterinary science programs in Australia?

Yes, most veterinary science programs in Australia have prerequisite subjects, usually in chemistry, biology, and sometimes mathematics or physics. These prerequisites ensure that students have a strong foundation in science before entering the program. 

Interested in studying Veterinary Science in Australia?

Contact SOL Edu, one of the best Education Agencies in Brisbane, today for free counselling, and a free application process!