为何选择SOL Edu思安留学?


在 SOL Edu思安留学,我们提供免费专业的一站式留学移民咨询服务,



SOL Edu思安留学多位留学顾问均为澳大利亚注册留学中介顾问。过去五年我们已经成功办理超过30000余案例。无论您的情况多么复杂,SOL Edu思安留学总有办法为您定制专业方案。




SOL Edu思安留学与澳洲各大院校紧密合作,由学校为我们提供佣金。因此,我们不收取学生任何的服务费。一切为学生的利益考虑。同时,我们提供后续服务包括预约体检,续签也无须交任何服务费。

周到的服务品质SOL Edu思安留学时刻秉承以客户要求为基准的服务态度,尽最大可能满足每一位学生的要求。我们的顾问都曾在澳洲长期留学生活,深知留学生的生活状态和心态,善于结合自己的生活经验和对澳洲大环境的理解,为学生量身打造个人定制化的留学规划方案。

关于SOL Edu思安留学

SOL Edu思安留学,25年来始终品质如一





SOL Edu Brisbane is a team of friendly and professional education counsellors who are dedicated to achieving the best education outcomes for their students. SOL Edu Brisbane has been partnered with QUT since 2008 and has been awarded as QUT’s top agent for the past four years. The top agent award is a recognition of SOL Edu Brisbane’s outstanding performance. It is also a reflection that SOL Edu’s staff have a wealth of knowledge in order to counsel you about QUT’s courses, application requirements, scholarships and entry pathway options. By applying to QUT through SOL Edu, students can feel confident about the advice they receive, and that they will receive help throughout the application process.

Shirley Chung

We, TAFE Queensland International have been working withSOL Edu Net Brisbane for well over 8 years and we have had nothing but professional and helpful support from SOL Edu Brisbane. Their dedication to TAFE Queensland has produced many fantastic students for us who have completed TAFE qualifications and gone on to start their careers or continue on to University. It is a really credit to SOL Edu Brisbane the accountability they take to ensuring the student is looked after from start of study to graduation of study.

Congratulations and we look forward to continuing this great partnership.

Martin Lock

For Kaplan Business School, SOL Edu is noted as a VIP partner for their continued professionalism, close student support, prompt communication and strong ethical conduct. We have enjoyed another successful year working alongside key SOL Edu team members from both the Brisbane and Sunnybank offices. Both Amanda and Jen have once again allowed our KBS Vietnamese students to overcome barriers and commence their higher education dreams with us towards internship possibilities, while Chinese team has worked tirelessly to secure our KBS Chinese students an opportunity to be part of a global brand in their successful business futures.

Torben Nielsen