Australia Institutions News Update 21 Nov 2022

UTAS is providing up to 20 weeks of English Language Programs at no cost for international students who need to complete a program to meet their English requirements. QUT’s Bachelor of Design Fashion major is now providing S2 entry from 2023 onwards. The application cur-off date for offshore students wishing to commence in S1 2023…

The International Student Guide to Renting in Australia

Choosing a place to live is such an exciting part of studying abroad! The freedom, cultural experiences, and friends you make through shared space can create unforgettable memories. There is a wide selection of accommodation options to choose from in Australia that suit your lifestyle and budget. The most important factor in selecting the right…

Australia Institutions News Update 14 Nov 2022

ANU no longer have specific score requirements for the English subjects for high school graduates.  The applicants need to successfully complete at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) Year 11 or Year 12 study in Australia or other recognized English-speaking countries. UTAS’s nursing quota for Launceston has been increased for Semester 1, 2023 and…

Explore Brisbane: Tick off the Brisbane bucket list

Been there, done that – how many have you ticked off on your bucket list? Brisbane has no insufficiency of exciting activities to experience. Don’t miss out on exploring beautiful natural assets such as World Heritage rainforests, mountain peaks, and an immaculate blue bay that is home to some of the environmentally significant habitats in…

Public Transport 101: Guide to getting around in Australia

Multicoloured concrete building during daytime, Source: Brisbane Local Marketing via Unsplash. BRISBANE With vibrant blue skies and sparkling river city, it is no wonder Brisbane prides itself on being one of the most attractive living destinations for international students. Nothing beats the region’s subtropical climate with an exhilarating urban metropolis that welcomes students from all…

Australia Institutions News Update 31 Oct 2022

ANU will now provide a new method to calculate applicant’s bachelor degree gpa: A completed Bachelor degree using all grades other than those from the last semester (or equivalent study period) of the Bachelor degree ANU has now added IELTS UKVI to the list of accepted English language tests. The places in Deakin University’s Bachelor…

International Scholarships in 2023

Scholarships: UQ International Excellence Scholarship 2023 UQ International High Achievers Scholarship 2023 UQ International Onshore Merit Scholarship UQ Lifelong Learner Scheme International Scholarship 2023 – Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice 2023 Scholarship in Quantitative Biology – School of Biological Sciences Introduction The University of Queensland (UQ) is excited to announce the continuation of four scholarship…

Davely’s Asian Supermarket

Davely’s Asian Supermarket 10% off * Fresh fruit, noodles, tofu, meat products, Alcohol, locally made products and special discounted products excluded About Davely’s Asian Supermarket At Davely’s Asian Supermarket, their mission is to bring you the largest selection and the best quality Asian groceries in the Brisbane CBD. Along with a vast wealth of knowledge…

All Way Travel

All Way Travel $30 discount for any domestic tour package About All Way Travel ALL WAY TRAVEL, one of the most competitive travel agents which established in 1995 by people who love to travel themselves and worked as travel operator before. We are AFTA Travel Accreditation Scheme (ATAS) accredited Travel Agent, Member of International Air…